People with stereotyped mentality and weird thinking won’t change themselves. But our new generation and their siblings can shape their thinking through education. Education does not mean bookish knowledge and exams. The syllabus suggests viewing the world, to observe society in your way. From the recent century onwards, education should focus on applications, not on theories. Applied studies will help students to think in their way, to build blocks of their path, to create a canvas where they will be alive with them, having the same personality but different thinking. It will help them to build up a character. It will help them to talk with others gently, or to be more specific, in a humble, personalized, and scientific way.

Moral Values:
Human beings are social animals. They need to make friends around them to make a circle of their own. Social media has also taken part in the field of education to teach them in a new pattern. Students need to know social bonding, social aptitudes and the appropriate behavior to be shown before respected people. Of let, modern students forget to show adoration towards old people. It is the fault of the education system only which passes them to a certain level and then to forget everything they learned. The education system should teach moral values and to some extent, should make it a part of the syllabus so that bookish students at least read that once before exams.
Sex Education:
Our education system should include sex education in the part of their curriculum of let. No of girls getting raped by illiterate boys is getting leaps and bounds every day. We should emphasize the current generation to watch it, shutting up their mouths. We are forgetting that this silence is the indication of the upcoming disaster. The students, watching the silence, will once bring the unwanted and we shall remain hopeless and shall have nothing to do at that time.
Women’s’ Education:
Why should girls face this insecurity? Do we have any answers? We have only questions. We have feminists, or to be more specific, pseudo-feminists, or to be more specific, illiterate feminists who are leading the society to edge forward, to empower women. The education system can only change it. The addition of sex Education and gender equality can be linked easily, we just need to make a subtle change in the system. It can surely bring change in the thinking.’

Traditional thoughts:
People from undeveloped areas still think that their daughter is a commodity and a burden too in their lives of haste and hurry. They need to understand that it is nothing but a brahminical hegemony that is still getting fed. On that basis, unemployed boys are a burden too, right? But no, they are the rulers of the society…
Mass Illiteracy:
India is a fast-growing country in both development and population. Increment in population is the result and mass illiteracy is the cause. People are unaware of family planning and hence, children are addicting themselves to several things from the very beginning of their lives.
Final Talk:
Education isn’t in some pages or a book. It is itself is a page of your entire life. Education is the only way to shape the mentality which will further shape literacy, cases related to rape, pseudo-feminism, and unwanted population. Education is the key to all locks in society. Just break the chains by which the key is blocked. Rest is the duty of future literates.
Also read: PM Modi addresses the teachers and students