In Jammu & Kashmir’s Rajouri district, a grenade attack took place. Terrorists threw a grenade in the house of BJP leader Jasbir Singh. Due to this, a 4 yr old boy died as well as 7 other people got injured.
This incident happened on Thursday a day prior to Independence day. However, the ADGP of Jammu confirmed that the attack took place on BJP leaders by some unknown people.
Despite this, Veer (4 years old) died as a result of his injuries while receiving care at a government medical facility.
Furthermore, the PAFF (People’s Anti-Fascist Front) has claimed responsibility for the terror act. The security officials are investigating this grenade attack on BJP leaders home. Besides, some visuals showed the severe damage done to the house of the BJP leader. Apparently, according to the reports, another 7-year-old child also got injuries.
Moreover, according to the official sources, the search team found the liver of the grenade from the spot. At the same time, the police and the military searched the whole place.
However, no arrest has been made so far. The area is now under the control of the security officials and the officials are investigating the matter.
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