Online shopping effects on traditional markets

In this world of Modernisation, Technology and the Internet have an all-time big impact on our lifestyle. With the growth of networking systems, it connected us with each other via one means or the other. Being within our home we can do so many things online just using our phones or laptops. Starting from booking a restaurant nearby to chatting with someone far away on a video call, we have been using technology for our benefit. But, is this technology harming our systems of marketing? Let’s look into the context of online shopping.
Benefits of online shopping
Online shopping is immensely popular in today’s scenario. We can order any food, any dresses, any jewelry, any kitchen appliance, groceries, medicines, etc. We can buy anything that we want of any brand or variety from anywhere. Nowadays, people are more into online shopping because it provides us with so many benefits. Some of the popular websites are Myntra, Amazon, Flipkart, Homeshop18, Snapdeal, etc.
One of the major benefits is that they provide doorstep delivery. However, in the corona pandemic, some of them are ensuring contactless delivery for safety. They also provide discounts or free shipping in case we are ordering in bulk. They also provide us the options for returning or exchanging in case we don’t like the product. There is a display of varieties of that product online through which we can have our own choices. Moreover, they provide special offers to those who are buying products from a particular website for a long period of time. They conduct season sales on special occasions as well. With so many benefits, online shopping is widely popular.
Affecting traditional markets
On the other hand, it is widely affecting the traditional markets as the no. of buyers in offline shopping is reducing to too much extend. The showrooms of supermarkets, Easyday, Reliance Fresh, and many other retail stores are left blank as people rarely visit them. It has become a major issue in the corona pandemic where people are preferring not to step out of the house for offline shopping. They are preferring online shopping these days for their safety. It is causing shutting down of the small-scale retail stores due to falling in their business.
Disadvantages of online shopping
Along with so many benefits, Online shopping also has disadvantages. The customer trusts the reviews and ratings before buying the products which are not necessarily true to be trusted. Trust issues are also there with the product if we pay online. Also, the product received in online shopping can be somewhat different from what one has ordered. This causes time and money wasted. Also, we can’t receive our product at the desired time. Also, there is not much scope of customization in online shopping which can be possible in the case of offline. There have been many fraud cases as well in the case of online shopping.
At last, I would recommend that one should wisely choose the mode of shopping according to the product and needs taking everything into consideration.
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