Hate Crimes At Its Peak: Two Men Arrested For Raping A Dalit Girl

Though we are advancing towards westernization yet, hate crimes are increasing day by day.
According to the Annual Crime Report, 2019 crime against Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe has witnessed an increase of 7% and 26% respectively.
Every day National Crime Record Bureau records at least 88 cases of hate crimes.
Hate Crimes,What Does It Mean?

The FBI defines a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.”
In simpler terms hate crimes are the crimes committed based on biases of religion, caste, race, sexual orientation, or ethnicity.
Hate Crime In Noida
Police arrested two men for allegedly raping and filming a Dalit girl.
During the act, they hurled casteist slurs and threatened to spread the video if she didn’t cooperate.
The news came into focus when the victim’s family came to know about the incident when she got pregnant.
The girl’s father filed a complaint and it owing to which the police arrested them.
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