The idol of the Refugee Goddess Durga stuck in the “No Man’s Land”.
It has picked up the steam over 3000 Idols of the Goddess Durga in Kolkata and narrating the painful story of thousands of the individuals.
Constant Fear related citizenship act :-
A constant fear among the people is prevailing that sending them to the Unknown destinations which creates uncertainty about their own citizenship. NRC & Citizenship amendment act gives the constant prevailing fear of sending people to an unknown destination.
Famous Awards in Kolkata :-
Durga Pooja is all about Fun, Lights, good food, and great avatars.
Barisha club is among the famous for showing a different variety of themes of the Durga Puja pandal.
However, making people also aware with different going forward situations in the country.
Previously, the puja committee had depicted the migrant crisis in the year 2020 . Subsequently, it is the Refugee mother Goddess this year in 2021.
Indeed this Idol will give you a prick in the consciousness as how this Idol specifically brings attention towards the citizenship amendment act.
However, the Prevailing crisis of citizenship results in dividing the Durga Pandal of 2021 into 2 parts:
The left side represents Bangladesh and further the right side represents the Indian border.
Therefore, In the middle of the two sides seating the Idol of Goddess Durga at the back seat of the Truck.
In the middle a woman holding the Idol of Goddess Durga in her Lap surrounding by 4 children’s asides
The woman with all her personal belongings scattered here and there on the ground.
Goddess is stuck in “NO Man’s Land” with Dusty portraits, colorful Sarees, and voter ID dangling from the ceiling
This image touches many hearts as many of the people are within the same boat as she is
People even the Goddess Durga is uncertain about her next destination. Highlights the fear of Uncertainty about the destination and living of the current scenario of people.
It is strange to see that even Goddess Durga is not spared from the uncertainty of her home and destination in “No Man’s Land”.
The Idol featured among the list of “Sera Sera puraskar” (As Best of the best award).
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